Locals Like: Katerina Tzouvara

Written by Admin on . Posted in Editor's Tips

Locals Like

Locals of Thessaloniki let us know their top places to see and things to do in the city and its surroundings.

As promised, every Monday locals from all around Thessaloniki will give us their insight about top places to dine, go out or go sightseeing, as well as their tips about the city. This week, “Locals Like” meet Katerina Tzouvara, a student at the University of Macedonia.


Kitchen BarKitchen Bar

A: Warehouse B2, Port, GR 541 10
W: kitchenbar.com.gr
E: info@b-p.com.gr
T: +30 2310 502241



Coctail BarCocktail Bar

A: 17A Polytechneiou St, GR 546 26
T: +30 2310 524242




Archaeological Museum ThessalonikiArchaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

A: 6 Manoli Andronikou St.
T: +30 2310 830538
E: info.amth@culture.gr



More “Locals Like” to follow… If you want to take part in “Locals Like” don’t hesitate to contact us.

ACTThe ACT team:
Maria Mergal
Trinh Nguyen
Katerina Rigas

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