Locals Like: Leon Nar

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Locals Like

Locals of Thessaloniki let us know their top places to see and things to do in the city and its surroundings.

Given the tempature reaching 30 °C, it would be wise Thessaloniki locals start suggesting some beautiful beaches nearby. No matter what, this week Leon Nar from the American College of Thessaloniki give us his insight about his top places to dine, go out or go sightseeing, as well as his tips about upcoming Thessaloniki events in the following video…



A: 72 Alexandras Papadopoulou St, GR 546 33
T: +30 2310 284028




ValaoritouValaoritou District

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Museum of Byzantine CultureMUSEUM OF BYZANTINE CULTURE

A: 2 Stratou Avenue
T: +30 2313 306400
E: mbp@culture.gr



More “Locals Like” to follow… If you want to take part in “Locals Like” don’t hesitate to contact us.

ACTThe ACT team:
Maria Mergal
Trinh Nguyen
Katerina Rigas

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