Thessaloniki ART Shots: STOMP All Over Thessaloniki

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Thessaloniki Art Shots

With a full event calendar for Thessaloniki this October, Thessaloniki ART Shots chose to make a stop at Thessaloniki Concert Hall and see the world-known STOMP

STOMP All Over Thessaloniki

Performances, music concerts, and theater productions are all very common in Thessaloniki and living here it can be hard to pick what to watch first. From a choice of CATS, Hamlet: the third act, Mary Poppins, the Toilet Tango, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and several others we decided to see STOMP perform on Friday, October 4th, 2013, at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall.

This magnificent show was created through the creative use of a combination of objects to make beats, rhythms, and music. It was no simple musical performance; it included dance, theatre and lots of comedy! Not a single word was spoken throughout the show; the performers used only their gestures and body-language to portray emotions and interact with the audience. We, the audience, soon became part of the act while we were directed on our roles and how to participate. This created a great sense of community and lots of laughter and enjoyment. We highly recommend you don’t miss the next appearance of STOMP, it was an unforgettable experience.

ACTWritten by:

Mitchell Olivia

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